Savour the exquisite taste of Dancong Oolong with these tea bundles.
2 size options featuring 2 types of popular Dancong Oolongs. Featuring varieties of the classic favourites Honey Orchid Oolong and “Duck Poop”Oolong teas.
These bundles offer flavour profiles that will captivate your senses and leave you feeling perfectly refreshed. Enjoy a truly luxurious brew with every sip.
Early Spring vs ‘Classic’ Honey Orchid Oolong
As the name suggests, the Early Spring version is harvested in early spring. Featuring a lighter and more delicate flavour profile and fragrance. The classic version makes a smooth and more robust brew.
“Duck Poop” Oolong vs “Snow Duck Poop” Oolong
The “Snow Duck Poop” Oolong is harvested closer to winter, as the tea bushes are about to enter hibernation, resulting in a full-bodied flavour and aroma. Find out more about the difference between these two varieties from our article.
Taster Bundle #1 - Lighter Profile
1 x 50g (Tin) [Early Spring] Honey Orchid Oolong 早春蜜兰香
1 x 40g (Tin) "Duck Poop" Oolong 鸭屎香
Taster Bundle #1 - More Robust Brew
1 x 40g (Tin) [Classic] Honey Orchid Oolong 蜜兰香
1 x 40g (Tin) “Snow Duck Poop" Oolong 雪鸭屎香
Deluxe Bundle #1 - More Robust Brew
1 x 80g (Tin) [Early Spring] Honey Orchid Oolong 早春蜜兰香
1 x 70g (Tin) "Duck Poop" Oolong 鸭屎香